Creative Direction & Small Business Coaching…
As a Creative Director in the Fashion Center in NYC for over 20 years, I love to help creative entrepreneurs streamline their business and expand thier creative vision.
…Creative Direction…
As a small business owner and Designer myself, I know that it can be hard to edit your collection or products, re-design your offerings, stay on brand, and streamline your business in a way that fulfills you and allows you to make money. No matter what type of business you are in, spending time creating your Vision, connecting with your creativity and using it as your sustaining energy fuel, and streamlining your brand is a crucial part of running your own successful business.
Working with a Creative Director and Small Business Coach can help you when you need to reorganize, re-evaluate and reconnect to your passion, hearts desires, purpose and brand vision.
Below, I share some of the important business tips that have helped me to Feed my SOUL + GROW my business along my own journey along with ways that we can work together!
xo Thank you for stopping by!
My FREE JOURNALING gift to you!
Today, maybe more than ever before, we have an opportunity to re-connect with our INTUITION. Our intuition is one of our most powerful GIFTS. It is always available to us...all throughout our entire lives. As we all stay home during this unprecedented time, there is...
Daily Inspiration!
Yes I so needed to hear this and REMEMBER this today!
Letting Go: An Important Step in Applying the Law of Attraction
"Letting go" is an important aspect of healing work, and a vital step in using the Law of Attraction (my favorite Spiritual Law), to your benefit. Sometimes we have it backwards. We think we need to wait for the "new opportunity" to arrive before we release the old...
Memory Box
I just love a memory box or keepsake box. They are another way to store your precious memories, thoughts, cards, affirmations, or memories besides a journal. This one, from my own design studio, is available now on my ETSY SHOP HERE Kraft Box with new and vintage...
Journaling with your Intuition: My FREE e-guide
Journaling with your Intuition I have a gift for you…. Self-care is the foundation for the quality of your life, health and even your business. JOURNALING is my favorite healing companion tool that I use in all of my coaching and healing work. It is an amazing form of...
Wedding Journals + Memory Books for Your Special Day
Wedding Journals for Your Special Day
What are Guided Journaling Downloads?
What are Guided Journaling Downloads? Do you wish you could hire a Life or Business Coach to guide you through a specific challenge but can't afford one....and want the next best thing? My love of journaling and my extensive practice creating healing questions for...
How to Use Journaling to Ignite your Business
How to Use Journaling to IGNITE your Business E-guide Journaling is a powerful manifesting, spiritual tool that is free and can be used for so many important purposes. In this e-guide I teach you how to use journaling to ignite your business. There are guided...
What is a Business Vision Binder
Create a Business Vision Binder - E-guide I don’t know how I lived before I started using a Business Vision Binder. A Business Vision Binder is a template and tool to create, design, (and re-design) your entire business. Using one of these is similar to using other...
How to Make a Vision Board
A Vision Board is a Creative + Spiritual tool to help people clarify, attract and manifest their dreams and desires. A Vision Board is a manifesting tool that can help you to create or recreate the vision you hold for yourself in life, health, relationships, business...
What is a default energetic pattern?
Disentangle from your Default Energetic Patterns What is a default energetic pattern? A default energetic pattern is a coaching term I created, during a client session several years ago, to describe the energetic patterns that people are unconsciously operating in...
Write Yourself a Letter
Ever wish that you could just ask your older wiser a question and receive the perfect "right" answer? well...All of the wisdom and guidance you need to journey through this lifetime is already within you. CONNECTING back to this inner wisdom, will help you in so many...
Vision Journaling
Vision Journaling is a method of combining both journaling with vision boarding into one powerful resource BOOK where you can reflect upon, add to and use as your manifestation bible. A Vision Journal differs from a Vision Board in that it is more private and is...
Journaling with Your Intuition
Journaling with your Intuition is my FREE guided journaling e-guide that you receive immediately when you sign up for my emails. Your soul carries with it all the infinite wisdom and instruction that you need to journey through your life. It is always available to...
Farm Charm Couture
Farm Charm Couture is my one of a kind collection of charming fashion statement pieces that are timeless, and meant to be passed down to your daughter and then her daughter. This collection is an evolution of my classic feminine style mixed with my love and passion...
5 Consistent Things That that I do Every Day to Keep My SVT Away
SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia) is my personal health issue. SVT is when your heart goes into an extremely rapid rate and cannot be controlled with your breath. An SVT needs to be "broken" by a vagal maneuver or through a medication called adenosine which can be...
How to Re-read Old Journals to Extract the Inner Wisdom You Gave Yourself
Place Holder. Blog Post coming soon
My Food Story
Your Kitchen is where your self-nourishment begins... As a young designer in NYC back in my 20's, my sole focus was on the success of my business. I never paid much attention to what I was eating. I considered my diet pretty good. I loved vegetables, didn't really...
Pearl Collar Top
Lace collar tops are the epitome of feminine girly fashion. This delicate blush pink top has a double layer collar The under layer is lace... The top layer is also lace more tightly woven topped with sequins and hand sewn pearls in shades of blush pink. the body...
Tahini Almond Cookies
You know I LOVE my cookies...These are so healthy, are they really even a cookie??? I modified this recipe and made it my own... They are ever so slightly sticky, which makes them tastes buttery or caramelized...