Vision Journaling is a method of combining both journaling with vision boarding into one powerful resource BOOK where you can reflect upon, add to and use as your manifestation bible.

A Vision Journal differs from a Vision Board in that it is more private and is something you CONTINUE to work on and add to.

It allows you to use both writing, imagery, art, poetry, affirmations and more to create a potent vision of your dreams. A Vision Journal is your own creative tool to help you clarify and connect with goals, dreams and the Vision that you are creating for any area of your life, health or  business.

I design and create Vision Journal Kits for people to help them get started with this powerful creation process and I also HOST Vision Journaling Workshops in my Cranford NJ location or at your location. Please inquire at if interested.

Browse the one of a kind Vision Journal KITS I create for you HERE

Along with any kit you will receive a free copy of my e-guide Vision Journaling.  or you can Get it HERE (coming soon)


Laura xo

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