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Questions to Ask if you are Hiring a Life Coach

Questions to Ask if you are Hiring a Life Coach

Hiring a Coach is an INVESTMENT in your personal and business growth. Here are a few tips to help you find a qualified professional that is worth the money. First and so glaringly obvious we almost forget to ask. Are they actually a certified coach? And even better...

Are you PREPARED for your DREAMS?

Are you PREPARED for your DREAMS?

Waiting for your Life Purpose to reveal itself or a GOAL to MANIFEST can be…frustrating! discouraging!, unpromising even… I have a plan to help you focus your energy in the RIGHT place while you are waiting for your dreams to become a reality. Instead of simply...

Creating a STREAMLINED Website Presence

"Streamlined" is a fashion industry term to see if the designer was successful in creating a cohesive collection. As creative entrepreneurs it can be hard to create a "streamlined" presence but doing so starts with a. few key points that I learned in my early years as...



CHAKRAS  are the invisible energy centers that are located within your body. Becoming aware of their essence can help you to go a little deeper into what is fueling physical aliments in your body. Some people believe that before a health issue shows up in physical...

Emotional Layers to Your Accelerated Heart

Emotional Layers to Your Accelerated Heart

My favorite author and Spiritual teacher Louise Hay believes that all disease first stems from emotional dis-ease within the body. Through the years, I often refer to her book, “Heal your Body” whenever I have an ailment. I like to review her book to find the thought...

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