Waiting for your Life Purpose to reveal itself or a GOAL to MANIFEST can be…frustrating! discouraging!, unpromising even…

I have a plan to help you focus your energy in the RIGHT place while you are waiting for your dreams to become a reality.

Instead of simply WAITING, or complaining, or feeling like what you want will never happen, my plan will propel + align you with your VISION/purpose/goals while you are “waiting” for the Universe to deliver it.

It’s called BEING Prepared!

WHAT would happen if RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND you got exactly WHAT you say you want? What if 100 people came to your door to hire you, what if you got an order for 50 of your designs or 500, what if you were offered your dream job and had to move…ARE YOU READY this second to accept what it is that you say you want?

example: Is your apartment packed? Have you done all the details to be ready to move? Have you cleared your clutter, donated what you no longer need? Have you researched the new city? Have a realtor lined up? Do you know where you will order your meals from? Are you really READY for the move that you have been dreaming of? Are you living as if?

Are you really PREPARED for what you want? Are you READY so that if you are lucky enough to actually have the UNIVERSE grant you your wish RIGHT NOW, you will be ready to accept it??

BEING PREPARED in advance for what you want, allows you to have it when its delivered. It’s also what helps you to MANIFEST it, and make the whole process move faster. Being prepared for what you want is part of the SPIRITUAL LAW OF ATTRACTION. Most of us don’t really know how this law works or the steps we can take to help propel the process of getting what we actually want.

Being PREPARED:  PREPARATION is the steps that you actively take to help you align with what you want. It’s how to show the UNIVERSE that you are really READY for it, serious about it, and prepared to ACCEPT it when it arrives. If you are NOT getting what you want, IF you feel LOST around your SOUL purpose, or are fustrated wtih some area of your life, its time to turn the mirror back on yourself to find out WHAT YOU Could be doing different to help you get what you want.

My Story and how I prepared to get and receive what I wanted is a good example on how to do this in your own life: 

I wanted to change business directions. I wanted to be doing what I considered deeper more soulful work. I thought about shifting from my career as a designer to more of a coaching and consulting career. BUT I wasn’t at all sure how to go about this massive life change.  So…instead of just continuing to think about it and feel frustrated & unable to visualize how all the steps would fall into place….I stopped thinking and got into action by SLOWLY starting to prepare

Here’s HOW….

  • I took a class! A certification course to be exact at the Life Purpose Institute…
  • I INVESTED the money: I decided that my journey to become a Spiritual Life Coach would at the very least, help my own life and self. I decided that it was a good investment and I trusted that it would lead not only me but eventually many others closer to their dreams and goals.
  • I stated an intention!….My intention was that the process would help guide me in the perfect direction of realizing my own life purpose…and to find deeper inner healing along the way.
  • I started organizing! I began to create actual “folders” with ideas for the work I wanted to do and moved them all to one new file box (a tangible place!). Papers or articles or journaling exercises that I had saved or written…all finally getting sorted and revised and put in one place so that I could actually find them and use them! Imagine that!
  • I started a daily spiritual practice… Journaling! (I should say I revised my practice as I had always been a journaler…but now I added layers to it, intention with it, started using it as a listening tool, a clarity tool
  • I did more inner work! I really dove in to the layers of healing that were stopping me from living the “me” that I knew I could be. I encouraged feelings to come up instead of pushing them down….how?
  • I set aside actual time to allow my feelings to come up. I specifically put on a sad movie to let the tears begin to flow…and when they did I got out my journal…I looked through old pictures and notes and wrote letters, and let go and consciously said goodbye to what NO LONGER SERVED ME.
  • I started “visualizing” myself in a small office that would suit me for the work that I wanted to do…
  • I looked at logos and ordered business cards and other professional materials.
  • I asked the universe for what I wanted. It was more of a conversation and less like a demand. I explained my desires loosely with room for interpretation, giving the universe FULL permission to manifest it in whatever way IT saw fit for me! I wasn’t rigidly attached to something I wanted, but rather offered myself as a servant of the universe. Asked that it use me for IT’s purposes…

And then I sat back and waited. With confidence, and completion, and enjoyed the trust I had with my partner ( the UNIVERSE) who I knew wouldn’t let me down!  All the while, I  was secretly and silently “hoping” that the spiritual law of attraction that I invested in really wasTRUE…I did wonder, “If we really align ourselves with our divine path…do the doors really open easily? Does abundance really flow?”

I set myself up in the best possible way to patiently wait and find out!

I trusted that if what all the spiritual leaders I admired were right…that if this new path was meant to be my life’s work, then things would be easy, the right opportunities would find me, and I would  be led exactly on the right path…

and if/ when I was granted my dream…I would surely be PREPARED for it!!!

RESULTS! A few years ago, an opportunity showed up (ie: came knocking on my front door…to re-pharse more clearly…I didn’t go out, and strive, and bang down doors, and seek and be nervous or have anxiety or look for it…it FOUND me). A colleague friend emailed to see if I happen to know anyone who wanted to rent a small very affordable space in a new “office share”.

I sat there in silence, in gratitude, in awe, because I KNEW that this was the universe, my friend, who worked silently and diligently to move mountains to give me exactly what was the perfect next step for me….(By the way, I knew all this before my fingers would even type back)…YES, I know someone, ITS MEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I was PREPARED, I had a certification, I did the work I needed to do to be ready to accept this offer from the Universe.

The exact perfect situation landed in my lap….!!!!….and here’s the BEST PART…..I was actually READY to accept it, because I WAS PREPARED

Had I not taken the 17 week certification when I did, invested the money in myself, or had I not saved money, or had my business cards, or done all the other details on my list to prep, I may not have been ready or felt sooo unbelievably PREPARED to move into that perfect office at that exact moment!!! In fact, I may not have even “seen” that email as “my golden opportunity”. I may have forwarded it out to my email list…who may or may not have been READY. I would have LOST out on an affordable beautiful office, I may have not even seen the email, I may have let fear take over. When we are not ready, we cant see what is directly before us.

Seeing that email, and being ready for it was the result of my preparation.  I was able to seize the chance, and know that it was the Universe guiding me because of the time I invested in the process. I was able to recognize the Universe’s opportunity to me because I had done the work, cleared the space for it, and was in sync waiting for its cues. I had been using my time WAITING, WISELY.

My new business is in motion because I was PREPARED to receive it. I did the work. I was ready. My preparation met the Universe and my life purpose took flight. It was an amazing lesson, one that I love to share….

So What happens when you are NOT PREPARED…?

I have an example for that too.

The second lesson was when I was not prepared…..I guess the universe thought since I was prepared for the first one, it would hand me another…So…another email…this time for a writing contest…with the exact publisher of my dreams…only this time the manuscript had to ready asap and sadly,  mine wasn’t. It’s wasn’t ready because I wasn’t prepared. I hadn’t worked enough on my dream because I didn’t make it a priority or think it was really possible. So I didn’t dedicate myself to it. I didn’t believe that the universe was going to knock on my door and ask me for it! My manuscript was still in my head and not on paper. I WASN’T PREPARED.

I thought that I would write it “one day”. I thought that on some rainy day, in my far off future, I would organize all my notes, and half-started pages when I got around to it. I thought that this “dream” is something that happens years from now, not TODAY! …and so for me, this dream won’t happen today, it will be passed on to the next person whose manuscript WAS prepared and ready to be emailed in….(But rest assure I will start preparing mine for the next time the universe comes knocking!)


GET PREPARED my soulful friends,  so that when the UNIVERSE hands you exactly what you want, on a silver platter, you are ready and can RECEIVE IT!

Journaling Prompts to help you BE PREPARED:

  • What can “you” do today that will prepare you for your dreams?
  • In what ways are you already prepared?
  • In what ways are you NOT prepared?
  • When you were little did your parents help you prepare for important projects at school?
  • Did you feel prepared for school/work assignments? Or embarrassed always making up excuses for why you were not prepared?
  • How does being prepared or unprepared make you feel?
  • Create a list of things to do (that are within your control) to help you feel more prepared and secure.
  • Do you trust yourself to follow through on what needs to be done?
  • Have you made a CLEAR request to the Universe for what you want?
  • How can you develop a trusting relationship with the UNIVERSE?
  • What are your daily practices to align yourself with your dreams?
  • What is your daily spiritual LISTENING practice?


  • I am prepared
  • I TRUST the Universe
  • I follow through on important projects
  • I am aligned with my life’s work
  • It feels great to be prepared for my dreams
  • I love the feeling of being prepared

xo Laura

Small Business Coaching + Creative Direction

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