Dark Green Smoothie Bowl

Dark Green Smoothie Bowl

I have to eat right or I risk not feeling well. I manage a health issue called SVT, Supra-ventricular Tachycardia. To keep it at bay, I am on  gluten free, white sugar free diet. Fast, easy, nutritious food is a must when you are a busy mom, small business owner...
A Heart Wide Open

A Heart Wide Open

A Heart Wide Open… I love this. Most of us dont always live with our heart wide open. But today I will. Will you? Will you be my Valentine? enjoy xo Laura Madrigano
Soul Journaling

Soul Journaling

I I have been working on a GIFT for all my new subscribers, called SOUL JOURNALING, guided prompts to help you hear your soul. If you love feeding your SOUL, I think that you will like it! The guide discusses creating “A Spiritual LISTENING practice” which...
The Best Habit to Heal Frustration

The Best Habit to Heal Frustration

Frustration: the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. Do you feel frustrated? Are you in a never ending state of pushing yourself, emptying your bucket, with no time to yourself to replenish and recharge?...