Insights from my Design Studio
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A Heart Wide Open
A Heart Wide Open... I love this. Most of us dont always live with our heart wide open. But today I will. Will you? Will you be my Valentine? enjoy xo Laura Madrigano
My favorite spiritual tool is journaling…
Jouranling is my favorite healing companion tool that I use in all of my coaching work. It is also my "go to" spiritual and self-care tool that I use in my personal life. My love of journaling has been lifelong and the benefits are countless. Journaling is a fast and...
Guided Journaling: What changes are calling?
Change is calling. In numerology this year is a "1" year and means that what you do now is planting the seeds and setting the tone for the next 9 years. If there was ever a time to listen to your calling, its now;) Doing the busy work of planting is essential to set...
Green Smoothie
One of my new favorite smoothies! So easy to make! 2 Frozen Bananas (peel before you freeze) 1 Regular peeled banana 2 cups frozen washed baby spinach 1 tablespoon mediclear plus protein poweder by thorne (optional) 1 teaspoon honey aprox 1 cup organic rice milk...
2 Bean Hummus
I make variations of bean dip weekly for myself and my kids. This is a staple food in my kitchen. Today I tried a little twist that I got from my office mate and health coach, Sharon Goldner. Not sure if I made it exactly like her, but not to worry, because the...