Letting Go: An Important Step in Applying the Law of Attraction
"Letting go" is an important aspect of healing work, and a vital step in using the Law of Attraction (my favorite Spiritual Law), to your benefit. Sometimes we have it backwards. We think we need to wait for the "new opportunity" to arrive before we release the old...
Memory Box
I just love a memory box or keepsake box. They are another way to store your precious memories, thoughts, cards, affirmations, or memories besides a journal. This one, from my own design studio, is available now on my ETSY SHOP HERE Kraft Box with new and vintage...
Journaling with your Intuition: My FREE e-guide
Journaling with your Intuition I have a gift for you…. Self-care is the foundation for the quality of your life, health and even your business. JOURNALING is my favorite healing companion tool that I use in all of my coaching and healing work. It is an amazing form of...
Wedding Journals + Memory Books for Your Special Day
Wedding Journals for Your Special Day
What are Guided Journaling Downloads?
What are Guided Journaling Downloads? Do you wish you could hire a Life or Business Coach to guide you through a specific challenge but can't afford one....and want the next best thing? My love of journaling and my extensive practice creating healing questions for...
How to Use Journaling to Ignite your Business
How to Use Journaling to IGNITE your Business E-guide Journaling is a powerful manifesting, spiritual tool that is free and can be used for so many important purposes. In this e-guide I teach you how to use journaling to ignite your business. There are guided...