Many of you know me from my website called “Heal SVT Naturally” where I talk about how to manage the health condition Supra-ventricular Tachycardia naturally using an integrative approach. That website, will always be available for anyone who has SVT. You can browse it HERE.

I use many healing tools, in addition to the specific ones that I focus on for SVT Prevention, to manage my overall health and well being, and this article will share some of them, and introduce you to to my umbrella website, “Laura madrigano” where I delve deeper into some of the less obvious healing tools like journaling, self-care, spirituality, creativity, divine feminine energy, intuitive healing, and more. If you are familiar with my Heal SVT Naturally approach, then you might know that I have been managing SVT without prescription drugs or ablation for over 25 years. I continue to be successful using things like hydration, magnesium, supplements, being careful with what I ingest, sleep, emotional healing work, inner child healing, and more. The SVT-Gut connection and Vagal Nerve Management are cornerstones of SVT Prevention. But, I also believe that to really heal anything, on deep and lasting levels, we have to not only be diligent with lifelong efforts of self care, but we simply must look to the emotional layers to our physical ailments to look at the wounding that contributes to and fuels our imbalances.

For me, some of the emotional wounds that make made me vulnerable to a heart chakra health imbalance were things like a lack of nurturance, trauma to my nervous system at a young age, ignoring my intuition, seeking love outside of myself, lack of self-care, and inability to take care of myself, my needs, set boundaries, and more.

As I embark on life over 50, I have already done some basic healing in many of these areas, but our healing work is never “done”. I continue to research and learn more about  about how to balance energy, use feminine energy for deep healing, connecting with our intuition, and so many other topics to support the basic work of being well.

In addition to the constant healing work I make time to engage in, I am a mother, wife, and just like you, have many overall responsibilities. Further, I am a Designer, and my creativity has become an important source of my well being.

If you are interested in any of these areas, such as the importance of creativity in life over 50, clearing clutter from our environment, interior design, holistic remedies, and more then please follow my other website, and instagram (in addition to Heal SVT Naturally), “Laura madrigano”.


Thank you for reading!



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