
Creative Consulting, Design Inspiration & Bespoke Clothing

with Laura Madrigano

Get my FREE Journaling e-guide HERE

Creative Direction with Laura Madrigano

A Creative Director is a person who makes high level creative decisions. If you are a small business owner, of any type of business, then you are also the creative director of your business. Creative Direction is the process of first CREATING, and then GUIDING the vision for your brand, service, product, and business.  

Some of us have the ability to easily  create and maintain this vision which includes establishing focus, creating curated collections or designs, engaging in practices that continually support this vision, meeting our full potential, serving others, finding fulfillment and making money.  For many of us, especially creatives and empaths, our vision can become scattered, multi-layered by having multiple passions or businesses, unfocused, and even blurred. Further, our vision can become undermined by unhealed emotional wounds from our past, limiting beliefs and poor habits. I help empower Creative  & Spiritual entrepreneurs clarify and create the Creative Vision for your business so that you can easily manifest your dreams!

A little about me…Hi I’m Laura! 

I am a mom to 2 boys 10 & 16, I am a NYC girl who fell in love with a farmer, a Designer, vintage lover, small business owner, and have a health issue called SVT (supra-ventricular Tachycardia) that I manage using a completely integrative approach. I have 2 personal brands, Farm Charm Couture, a bespoke, one of a kind collection of clothing & accessories, and Heal SVT Naturally.

I LOVE (and am slightly obsessed) with studying small businesses and can easily, (almost instantly), find inconsistencies, and disconnect with peoples brand vision, which is likely derailing your efforts. My experience as a Designer and Creative Director for over 20 years, along with my Spiritual Coaching Board Certification, help me to give your creative business & vision a makeover, especially  if your feeling stuck, overwhelmed and wish you had a professional designer to help you. I cannot wait to share my tools with you and learn about your business!  

xo Laura


my Free Journaling gift for you...

Start with my  FREE GIFT to you… 

I am extremely passionate about the benefits of journaling, and the importance of emotional healing work for a successful business.  Doing your “healing work” in general will rapidly accelerate your ability to find clarity and serve others. 

Journaling is my favorite healing companion tool that I use in all of my personal growth and healing work because nothing serves you more or faster than connecting with your highest wisest self.

Your Intuition is your greatest gift and journaling connects you back to your inner knowing for divine wisdom in an instant. Journaling is a direct line of communication to your highest, wisest self.

 Journaling with your Intuition”, is my new e-guide, (and FREE gift to you)! 

Your intuition is always available to you, waiting for you…to listen and connect with it.  I created a FREE Journaling download to help you unblock your intuition and deepen your relationship with it.

download it below!






One of aKind

Bespoke Clothing &  Accessories


Creative Directors, Designers, Interior Designers, Artists, Creative + Spiritual Entrepreneurs, and all Divine Femine Women love and deserve to wear one of a kind, artful, bespoke, chic clothing. If you would like to wear clothing & accessories that reflect your own unique style, make you feel special and beautiful and are pieces that absolutely no one else will ever have, browse my bespoke clothing collection below!

Ways to connect with me...

If you are a fellow creative entrepreneur who would like to work with both a Creative Director and a Business Consultant to help you GROW your business, streamline your brand, deepen your niche, upgrade your website, raise your prices, and align your business vision with more of your internal spiritual goals and dreams then I would love to connect with you and learn more about your vision! 

My Journaling Tools

There are certain creative + spiritual TOOLS that help with both personal and business challenges. Journaling, creating Vision Boards, doing journal reviews, using business VISION binders and Affirmation journaling are just a few of the integral practices that help you feed your SOUL + GROW your business. Browse my favorite tools…

Intuitive Coaching Sessions

If you are struggling, confused, suffering from general overwhelm, need a re-set and a little divine direction, this session can help. As a Board Certified Spiritual Coach, I use INTUITION in conjunction with Creative Direction to guide you. I offer these Intuitive Coaching Sessions for people who need someone to help them reset, and highlight the direction they crave by reconnecting to your own internal guidance system. 

Heal SVT Naturally

If you found me because you have Supra Ventricular Tachycardia, POTS, or an overhwlemed nenrvous sytem, you can use this link below to learn more about how I use an integrative approach to manage my condition using things like food, lifestyle, self-care, emotional healing work, inner child healing, journaling and supplements.

Browse my Brands …

Looking for feminine clothing and accessories to help you define your style?  Browse my Farm Charm Couture Collection!

NYC girl falls in love with a farmer and so the story goes…

Farm Charm Couture is a collection of vintage inspired, one of a kind statement pieces. Browse etsy shop HERE.

xo Laura

Intuitive Life Design

Learn about my spiritual and creative tools that I cannot live without to feed my soul and grow my business. Every entrepreneur needs inspiration, clarity, focus, organization, and to have a clear mission, purpose, and vision. My tools will help you with all of these elements of success

Browse etsy shop HERE.

Heal SVT Naturally

If you have SVT or want to learn how to manage your accelerated heart using a completely integrative approach, browse my other website here: www.HealSVTnaturally.com

Intuitive Coaching sessions

do you need a reset?…

Creative + Spiritual Ways to live your life and Grow your Business with Creative Director Laura Madrigano.

New Course Coming Soon

7 days of simple ways to connect more deeply to your inner knowing. 

This 7 day course is an easy, inspirational course delivered to you daily via email. Each day you will be inspired to practice mini exercises to help you connect more deeply to your intuition by layering in specific listening practices, exercises and journaling.


I am so glad you are here! 

Creative + Spiritual Ways feed your SOUL &  Grow your Business with Creative Director Laura Madrigano.


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