Disentangle from your Default Energetic Patterns

Disentanglement Method (2)

 What is a default energetic pattern? 

A default energetic pattern is a coaching term I created, during a client session several years ago, to describe the energetic patterns that people are unconsciously operating in throughout their lives.

Default Energetic patterns are energetic behavioral patterns that we play out over and over again in our lives that dictate our experiences… for better or for worse…

They are the thoughts, energy, and belief systems that drive our responses, and behaviors. They are the energetic output that the Universe then uses to attract what we experience in our lives.

The Problem

If you are constantly experiencing the SAME outcomes over and over again, (ones that you say you don’t want),  and you notice that these outcomes share similar characteristics, , you are probably operating in a default energetic pattern.

How default energetic patterns develop…

These default energetic patterns, that have so much influence over us, may not even be our own!

These powerful patterns that drive our emotions, reactions, behaviors and circumstances, may not even belong to us! Yup that’s right! Many times we inherit these patterns from our parents; energetically absorbing them through our early experiences.

As children we watch, listen, feel, learn and absorb behaviors, mental thought patterns, responses, energy and emotional reactions that we observe in our home life.

These “ways of being” become our own blueprint for how WE eventually respond to circumstances in the future. They become our default behaviors, our beliefs, our patterns and like it or not, they become our comfort zone and hence what we then attract for ourselves…

They could be your mother’s, father’s or someone else’s in your family who acted as a role model such as a sibling. These patterns are deep rooted and require conscious work. commitment & guidance to identify, release and recreate.

They are so vital to pay attention to because they dictate the types of relationships we attract, our money status, our life experiences and ultimately our happiness and peace or lack thereof.  Since many times Default Energetic Patterns stem from generational wounds, it’s epic if you can be the one who learns to identify and change these patterns and break the cycle that has probably been passed down several times by now.

You will be improving your life by doing this type of healing work, and definitely the lives of your children and loved ones.

Default Energetic Patterns are behaviors created from old wounds and learned coping mechanisms. Many times our parents failed to recognize and heal their own default energetic patterns and thus unconsciously transferred them onto us.

Without self-awareness or tools to identify these patterns and thus shift them, these patterns and behaviors continue and we go through life creating and re-creating uncomfortable circumstances over and over again. THIS is a problem, if we want to CHANGE or SHIFT or GROW or RECREATE any area of our life then defining and understanding and then re-creating our default energetic patterns is an essential part of successfully using the LAW of ATTRACTION.

On a deeper more spiritual level, our default energetic patterns can represent the “issues” that our souls chose to work on in this lifetime which explains why we had parents who represented these issues for us.

Heal these Patterns

Diving into healing work such as healing wounds from our past, learning to re-parent ourselves, self-compassion work, and inner child work are at the core of identifying and healing default energetic patterns.

JOURNALING, Vision Boards, Affirmations, are tools to help us with the process.

You can then use some of those same tools to consciously re-create new energetic patterns in your life.

These patterns are ultimately meant to be healed, and by doing so, aligns us with our greatest potential and ability to manifest our heart’s desires. The deconstruction of these patterns allows NEW behaviors, responses and ultimately experiences that are more in alignment with our potential to emerge.

One method I use for this type of healing work is called  The Disentanglement Method. It is a journaling method that I developed and use to help people with the process of first becoming aware and then re-create the pattern.

To do this I use a list format.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it in half.

Use the left side of the page to describe what you are experiencing. Your experiences are the outcomes and thus characteristics of the pattern. For example, lets say you are continually attracting some kind of betrayal in relationships. You use the left side of the page to describe in detail the betrayal…You can also give it a title so you know how to easily refer to the pattern. Example:

Constant break ups
Untrustworthy people
Etc…fill this is in with everything you think and feel regarding this pattern…


Then after you fill in the left side, you write the OPPOSITE of each thing you wrote and write it on the right side of the page. Also give that a title. Example:

Betrayal Trust + Saftey
Constant break ups stability
Disappointment Joy
Shock calmness
Saddness Peace and serenity
Loneliness Self-fullfillment
darkness light
Untrustworthy people Self-trust, healing, deep self-love
fear saftey
grief Letting go
Etc…fill this is in with everything you think and feel regarding this pattern… Continue filling in with adjectives of the NEW situations or experiences and feelings that you would like to MANIFEST in your life


Writing out a list lets you clearly SEE just how many aspects of your life are contributing to this pattern and you can see all of the characteristics. Raising your AWARENESS to the pattern is exactly what will help you catch yourself every time you are operating in the left side of the page. The NEW pattern that you are working on creating for yourself in your life is where you want to be living….

This is just the first step in the process. You move on to wrote out childhood experiences that match the pattern, and thus work on holding space for yourself to process those experiences and heal them, which is one way of breaking the cycle and the constant need for them to re-occur in your life. So as you do the healing work needed, and slowly begin to pay much more attention the RIGHT side of the page, you are slowly breaking your default energetic patterns and finally re-creating new experiences in your life.

I hope that you try this exercise and see if it works for you. and by the way, there is never just ONE pattern to identify and break. usually there are several and the more we work on it, the more that get uncovered, so remember this is a work in progress!

Working with a Spiritual Life Coach, emotional release coach, or therapist can help you further with your healing work. Thank you for reading this!

xo Laura




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